Design for Disability

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Cerebral Palsy Foundation's Design for Disability Gala
Kristi was the women's wear finalist from the Fashion Institute of Technology for this gala held on May 16th, 2017. Photo courtesy of CPF.
Minda, the athlete
Minda's look was inspired by her athleticism. The neoprene jacket is created to be shorter in the front and longer in the back for a sedentary body.
Photo courtesy of CPF.
Yesenia's suit
Yesenia is a busy quadriplegic who needs clothing that is easy to put on and off. The neoprene pants are created with a magnet closure in the back which snaps together easily. The collar is removable giving her an easy day to evening look.
Photo courtesy of CPF.
Hilda's gown
Hilda has always wanted a dress to wear that fit her comfortably. This gown was created in an L-shape with a side zipper, made for a person who is sitting down.
Photo courtesy of CPF.