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Fashion for ALL


Kristi Siedow-Thompson Design is an inclusive brand specializing in graphic looks for people of all sizes and abilities. She specializes in plus-size red carpet looks as well as drag queen runway looks.

Kristi incorporates her background as a graphic artist and illustrator into creating textile patterns, textures, and working with color in a unique way to bring dimension to her designs and silhouettes.


Inclusive Sizing

Every person deserves clothing that makes them feel beautiful in any size. Kristi does personalized fittings in order to ensure the proper fit for an array of sizes.


Adaptable Designs

Kristi Siedow-Thompson has a passion for creating inclusive looks, especially for persons with disabilities. Every design can be made adaptable for most physical disabilities.

Custom Looks

Kristi currently specializes in custom looks for special events. We have worked with actors, singers, dancers, aerialists, drag queens, & performers from all walks of life.